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Typical Lead Times for Non-Inventory Items

Large Order Apparel 3-4 weeks

Quantities over 200 Items

  • T shirts- Event Specific
  • Hoodies
  • Full-Zip windbreakers
  • Sweatshirts
  • Jackets

Accessories 2-3 weeks

Baseball hats ordered 200 at a time

Trucker hats ordered 200 at a time

Beanie hats ordered 200 at a time

Coffee Cups ordered 300 at a time

Pens ordered 250 at a time

Notebooks ordered 200 at a time

Low cost/Give away items 2-3 weeks

Stickers 1000 at a time

Koozies 500 at a time

Wristbands 1000 at a time

Specialty Items have various lead times

Display Tents - Approximate cost $500-$1000

Table Covers- $200-$300

Banners $100-$300

Please contact for mock-up, pricing and lead-time as well as required delivery date to have item in hand.